React Native library to build ultra modern mobile applications. OpenSource and free for you build awesome looking apps with ease.

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What is Lights ?

Mobile phones are getting better and also vertically bigger. We cannot have UI elements like navbar anymore in mobile. So does other UI components that we copied over from web apps. Lights has few UI components that is sufficient to make your app have better user experience



Customizable Design System easily adaptable to your Brand. Available for Sketch and Figma with Mobile and Web component libraries.



Customizable Design System easily adaptable to your Brand. Available for Sketch and Figma with Mobile and Web component libraries.



Customizable Design System easily adaptable to your Brand. Available for Sketch and Figma with Mobile and Web component libraries.

How to use

1. Install the lights package from the NPM or Yarn

npm install react-native-lights

2. Import the component and use it in your project

import React from 'react';
import {BottomSheet} from 'react-native-lights';
export default BottomSheet = () => {
    const data = {
      buttonText: 'card1',
      bodyText: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet et nuncat mergitur',  
return (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
   <BottomSheet data={data} />

Build a modern react-native app UI with

Lights Library

Built by Pipesort Technologies


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